Solved: Installer Drive Lg Gp08nu20 For Mac
What do you need any software for? You can configure your router from pretty much any browser, no software is required.
Just go to (unless you or the installer changed the IP address of the router) and log in. The login is usually 'admin' and 'password1' after the installer configures the router. If that doesn't work, try 'admin' and 'password'. If that doesn't work I have no idea what it might be, but you can always press the reset button on the router to set it back to the factory default, which should be 'admin' and 'password'. Justin Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone IMG 1.6.0, Build 06.89 Keller, TX 76248.
To change your Master Password, you must know your current Master Password. 1) Click the RoboForm icon >> Preferences >> Security >> click 'Set Master Password.' How to change master password in keepass. It does not apply to the current version of RoboForm. You must know your current Master Password in order to create a new one. 4) Select the 'Security' tab >> click the 'Set Master Password' button. 5a) If you are already logged in to RoboForm, click the 'Next' button to verify your Master Password. 1) Click the RoboForm icon in the upper toolbar >> select 'Options.' 2) Select Security >> click the 'Change Master Password' button. 3) Enter your existing Master Password >> click 'Next.'
Shirley, What kind of stuff are you referring to? I have had Verizon FiOS internet for 3 1/2 years, TV for 3 years, and never has one piece of software been installed on any of my computers by any installer (internet, TV, or phone). Now I do have some Verizon software installed for Call Assistant, for example, but I did that myself, and there is software required on your PC if you want to use the Media Manager (which I don't use). I recently rebuilt my laptop, starting from scratch, going back to the manufacturer-supplied recovery DVD, and I can assure you there is no Verizon software on it, and I can use it for anything I want on my network. So again, what stuff did the installer put on there?
I would hope it at least shows up by name under All Programs so you can figure out what it is. About half the stuff got installed for the Administrator account and I don't use that account most of the time, so I need to switch to that account to see what is there that is not here with my limited account that I usually use.
Solved Installer Drive Lg Gp08nu20 For Mac
The following is on my desktop of the limited account. The Media Manager is there becasue I installed it, so that is not relevant. I have a 'FiOS Information' that just show various Information such as Voice Mail Access phone number, Data Service (the speed that our internet connection is supposed to provide), Data Order Circuit ID (I don't know what that is) and Video Order Circuit ID (I don't know what that is either), some links to Verizon Support Sites, and informatio about the router and my PC. It also has various instructions for troubleshooting.
The router information includes the Wireless Information that we normally must ogin to the router to get. The information iclude the user name as password for logging in to the router. There is a 'Install FiOS Connection Wizard' that apparently is just for installing, removing or repairing the 'Verizon FiOS Connection Wizard'. The Verizon FiOS Connection Wizard provides various router tasks, such as wireless setup and testing the internet connection.
It can update the internet configuration to optimize speed. It has a speed test and when it runs that, it says I need to configure my system to optimize speed. The speed optimization does not work for me, but I have Vista so I assume it is a Vista problem. I have not searched for answers about that but I will and if I can't find a solution I will call Verizon about that. I think the speed test is just a link to when I use it, it says 'Your PC has not been optimized'. Apparently we don't need any previously installed software to do the speed test and the speed optimization. So it seems that this software does not do much except make things more convenient.
I understand what you are saying about not needing any special software to use the internet. I will post another message if the Administrator account has anything significantly relevant. Yox, Just start whatever browser you use (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, whatever), then type the into the address bar so that you can connect to the router. That number string is just the actual IP address to address the router itself.
Once you connect to the router you need to log in with a name and password, usually 'admin' and 'password1' are set by the Verizon installer, but it could be different. If you can't get in with a name and password you will probably need to rese the router to factory defaults by pushing the reset button on the back of the router, then use 'admin' and 'password' to get in, then you will be required to change the password. Once logged in, you can make whatever configuration changes to the router that you want.
Justin Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone IMG 1.6.0, Build 06.89 Keller, TX 76248.