Formatos De Archivo Para Guardar Documentos
You can edit, download, and convert Microsoft® Office files in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. To edit an Office file, you can either:. Edit the file using Office Compatibility Mode (OCM). Convert the file to Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides.
Once you've edited a Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides file, you can then save and export it as an Office file to share with others. Edit Office files Edit files using Office Compatibility Mode (OCM) To open and edit Office files, you can use Office Compatibility Mode (OCM). With OCM, you can open and edit Office files in Drive, the Docs, Sheets, and Slides homescreens & apps, and Gmail.
Formatos De Archivo Para Guardar Documentos Para
. This page was last edited 15:51:12, 2016-12-27 by LibreOffice Help user.
Tipos De Archivos
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