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If you have any other working (not error) Android Studio Project, You can check the settings of build.gradle under your Project - app and look for this line: implementation '' Is your working SDK version in your working project, then replace your implementation '' with the working SDK version (.) if you don't have any working (without error) project, you can try mine: implementation '' Hopefully this can solve your problem, because it solved mine just now. The reason If you are in China, the reason about this maybe be your Android Studio hadn't set the proxy correctly. So when you built the application, the gradle can't access to the to download the dependencies(such as support library). And notice: The Android Studio is allow socks proxy and http proxy, but the gradle is only allow http proxy. So you may find that your Android Studio can download the SDK or even upgrade if you had set socks proxy in Android Studio.
But when you built, the gradle can't download the support library because you are use socks proxy now. How to fix If you use Shadowsocks proxy. Follow this:. For Mac OS: You should download not ShadowsocksX, because ShadowsocksX may not compatible with the Android Studio. And the ShadowsocksX-NG is use socks5 proxy, the Android Studio is access socks5 proxy, but remember gradle didn't. You can see the ShadowsocksX-NG's proxy info in the Preferences Setting, you can find that:.
local socks5 host: local socks5 port: 1086. local PAC port: 1089. local http port: 1087 So you should set the http proxy in Android Studio like this:. For Windows: You can download the and have a look at the correct host and port, and then set them to the Android Studio proxy.
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If you select http proxy, you may set like this: And if it still can't work, try to add these below codes to the /.gradle/ file: systemProp.https.proxyHost= systemProp.https.proxyPort=1080 systemProp.http.proxyHost= systemProp.http.proxyPort=1080. If you select socks proxy, you may set like this: And if you use socks proxy, it may still can't work, trying to add these codes to the /.gradle/ file, like this: The purpose of this is to set gradle proxy. Taylor made r7 ladies drivers for mac. Hopefully it can help you.