Archioffice 2010 For Mac

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Since we announced the release date for ArchiOffice 2010, we’ve received many requests for key features. Here you go: GENERAL FEATURES. Table and List views:. Drag-and-drop column rearranging. Click and ctr-click (command-click on Mac), to apply sort or multi-sort. Column resizing. Mouse-over to show full details.

Table and list view settings are saved for user. Tree Views:. Ability to drill-down and create parent/child related information. Click on a node to expand/contract sub items. Add/delete items from the tree.

Chart Editor:. Charts can be modified and saved as a new charts. New charts can be shared or kept private. Chart modifications include which series to chart, formatting, (labels, styles, legend, etc). Filter parameters can be applied (specific projects, employees, time periods, etc).


Archioffice 2010 For Mac

Dashboards:. Users can configures an unlimited number of dashboards holding a mix of charts, custom charts and data portals. Search/Find:. Powerful search engine allows ability to extend search, reduce search, etc.). PROJECTS. Phases and Sub Phases: represented by hierarchy in a tree view, a user can now create an unlimited number of sub phases (and sub-sub phases) of any parent phase. As an example:.

Design Development. Architectural Services. Principal. Project Manager. Draftsperson. Civil Engineering Consultant. Structural Engineering Consultant.

3D Model. Job Codes and Sub Job Codes: represented by hierarchy in a tree view, a user can now create an unlimited number of sub job codes (and sub-sub job codes), of any parent job code. As an example:. Additional Service Request #001. Architectural Services.

Structural Engineering. Phase – Job Code Relationship. Specific job codes can be associated to specific phases. When a user is entering their timecard, they can now be presented with job codes that are specifically associated with particular phases. As an example a job code called “Site visit” could be setup so as to only appear during the Construction Administration Phase. Checklist Tasks – Sub Tasks: represented by hierarchy in a tree view, a user can now create an unlimited number of sub tasks for any parent task.

Checklist Tasks can be optionally used at the timecard level. This can be required for all projects or only certain projects. If an employee has been assigned to a task, it will appear as a selection in their timecard. This allows for accurate budget vs.

Actual reports not only at the phase level, but also at the task level. Flexible document storage: store project documents on any hard drive on your LAN or WAN, not only on the default file server. As an example, move old project folders onto a hard drive for archived projects and point ArchiOffice to this new drive. DOCUMENTS.

Document templates can be made from any file type that can read/write RTF (rich text format). Design templates and use field markers which will be replaced with data from ArchiOffice upon creation of the new document. Such applications include:. Adobe Illustrator. Microsoft Word.

Open Office. Apple Pages.

Notepad. TextEdit. Word Perfect. Folder Syncing: ArchiOffice can scan project folders on the file server or designated hard drive and create document records for files that were added manually. If employees move files around inside project folders, ArchiOffice will update it’s records to reflect the new file location. BILLING.


Invoices are generated using the Jasper reporting engine, and the invoice templates are modifiable and customizable using the open source report design software, iReports report. Making payments to outstanding invoices can now be entered directly from the Outstanding invoices tab. REPORTS. Each report includes a Search screen, rather than selecting from limited optional criteria. Reports are generated using the Jasper reporting engine, allowing more output formats (i.e.

Jasper viewer, PDF, XLS and CSV). CALENDAR. Brand new calendar component with rich user interface features such as mouse-over to reveal event details, color coding, drag-and-drop rescheduling, etc.

Irving, I answered your questions in an email but wanted to post it here in the blog discussion as well. ArchiOffice 2010 is a thin client application and can be used on you LAN over over the internet. There is no software to install. There will be an iPhone and iPad app, but they won’t be ready on June 30th. However, the wait will not be long. They are surprisingly easy to implement with our new technology.

I’m very, very pleased with the iPad and am pushing very hard to make it a major portal for AO. Jasper reports is included. IReport is a free downloadable open source Jasper editor. It won’t be included in our installer, but there will be instructions with a link for the download. While the calendar is much richer than v8 (it’s a real calendar app), it’s not integrated with things like Growl nor do we have alerts.

But we know people want them and we hope to have a service pack update that includes them. Syncing will be faster. A consultant’s fee can be entered as a sub-phase. You’ll be able to see those consultant invoices in the actuals column in the ProjectBillingSummary layout. As an example, you budget the structural engineer for $5,000 for schematic design.

There’s a $3,000 expense that was created because the engineer sent an invoice and someone entered it in AO. It would have been marked non-reimbursable (since it’s part of your fee budget). When you’re ready to invoice, you would see that 60% of the budget for the structural engineer has been expended and decide if you want to invoice the client for 60% of that fee. You might elect to invoice 100% since he actually finished the work but hasn’t gotten around to invoicing you yet. In v8 – one can’t break out all the subs – and has to use a separate worksheet to figure out what percentage of the phase to bill (50% for architectural services, 60% for structural engineer,etc), and then put the total amount or figure out the percentage. I’m Not sure I follow your question about switching between hourly and fee-based billings. I have the ability in v8 to change my project from an hourly to a fixed fee or any other method on the fly – and back again.

The real issue is what about work that was a basic service and wants to be changed to an additional service. That’s not changing.

But I’m not sure that’s what you’re asking for either. What you’re referring to is easily achieved in v8 and 2010. Perhaps we can get you into a training session to learn about how this is done? I always appreciate your thoughts. You’re a great friend and evangelist. Not to mention a great guy. As for pricing, we don’t know yet.

But BQE works very hard at making sure the software is not expensive for the value it returns. As you may have noticed, since we joined BQE our prices have dropped significantly with regard to purchasing new seats.

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Hi and congratulations to the team! While you have whetted my curiosity and anxiousness about the upgrade and new features we’ve all been waiting for, I am a little underwhelmed given that I’m not yet seeing some of the other key features we’ve been requesting, such as remote login, especially via iPhone (and now iPad)! I know Steve must have BOTH of these. =) I am very happy to see that we can use so many other applications for document creation, however. Much thanks for that.

What would be nice is to know whether the upgrade includes Jasper and iReport. Of additional interest would be:.

a feature-rich calendar (like Entourage or Outlook) that will provide to-do, milestone and project alerts. Right now, some of these only show up on the Dashboard, which for many is NOT the default screen while working. It would be nice to have something pop up (perhaps using Growl) to remind us, or at the very least, have these port/sync out to Outlook/Entourage in a similar fashion as contacts and appointments. Faster syncing of emails would be highly desirable. Could we hear a bit more about how you’ve integrated consultant billing of fees and payments on a per-phase basis?.

How about a few words on being able to switch over on the fly from fee-based to hourly and vice-versa for a project. Just a few thoughts, and of course, pricing would be good to know about. Thanks, and again, congratulations on finally getting there.